Dani + Elsa

We’re getting married!

April 25th, 2025 in Bali

Dani + Elsa

We’re getting married!

April 25th, 2025 in Bali



You probably have lots of questions. Below you can see a list of the ones we have come up with and have been receiving.

Why Bali?

To know the reasons, click here.

Why April 2025?

We understand that we are asking a lot from you and that Bali is very far away, so we want there to be enough time for you to decide without pressure. Additionally, April 25th falls just after the Easter holidays and right before the May 1-2 holidays, so we assume it will be easier for you to request time off.

What’s the dress code?

There are no rules but take into account that Bali has a tropical climate, which implies some heat and humidity. But one thing is clear: leave your suit or your high heels at home, you won’t need them. In any case, we’ll share some inspiration with you along the year.

Where will it be held?

You will know soon!

About gifts…

You can also leave them at home. We understand that going this far is already a big effort. Just having you there is enough for us! Use the money you would have spent in a gift to get a better hotel or visit a cool place in Indonesia.

How long does it take to get there?

There’s some info about this in the Bali page.

How much does it cost to get there?

The prices vary, and it's still too early to anticipate how much it will cost. If we consider the current cost of a ticket for similar dates in 2024, the price will range between 750-900€ per person, round trip.

How much does it cost to stay in Bali?

The price range in Bali is vast, as well as the variety of accommodations. If you look several months in advance, you can find very good accommodations for around 20€/night.

How long do you recommend that we stay?

About two weeks would be ideal. If it's longer, even better, as you could explore other areas of Indonesia. If it's shorter, 10 days are more than enough to enjoy the island.

Do I need to get vaccinated?

In principle, there are no mandatory vaccines for traveling to Bali. The only exception is if, in the 9 months prior to your trip to Bali, you have traveled to a country with a risk of yellow fever (Africa, South America, Asia), in which case you would need this vaccine. If this is not the case, there is no obligation, only recommendations.
The recommended vaccines for traveling to Bali are: tetanus, hepatitis B, and typhoid. In general, it's a good idea to visit your healthcare center at least a month before the trip so that a doctor can advise you on the necessary vaccines.
Although veeeeery unlikely, dengue fever is present in certain parts of Indonesia. Dengue is transmitted through the bite of an infected mosquito, so it is recommended to use repellent and long-sleeved clothing, especially in humid areas or during the night.

Do I need a visa?

To enter the country, you need a passport with a minimum validity of 6 months and an entry visa. This visa can be obtained online before the trip or upon arrival at the airport. The duration of the visa is 30 days, extendable for another 30 days, and it costs 500,000 IDR (about 30€). The requirements include your passport, a booking for the return flight (or exit from Indonesia), and an address in Indonesia (which can be the hotel where you will stay). The Visa on Arrival at the airport can be paid directly in cash with the local currency (Indonesian rupiahs) or by credit card. The online visa (eVisa) can be obtained 90 days before the trip through this website.

What will the weather be like in April?

In Indonesia, there are no seasons as we know them in Europe; the year is divided between the dry season and the rainy season. April marks the end of the rainy season, so the weather is usually very good, and it continues to have low-season prices. Regarding temperatures, they remain consistent throughout the year, but during that time, they range between 25 and 31°C. The humidity is high, but after a couple of days, the body tends to acclimate.

Is there jet lag?

The time difference is 7 hours (meaning 10:00 in Germany is 17:00 in Bali), so there may be jet lag, but it varies from person to person. If experienced, it usually doesn't last more than a couple of days, and there are tricks to avoid or minimize it.

Do I need to exchange money before the trip?

It's not necessary. Once in Bali, you can use your credit card in many places, and there are also ATMs in busy areas.
If your bank charges high fees for transactions in another currency, you can consider opening an account with an online bank such as Revolut.

Is communication easy in Bali?

Most of Balinese people can speak two languages: Indonesian and Balinese. However, you’ll be able to speak English in most of the places you’ll visit.

Is it easy to get around Bali?

Despite frequent traffic jams, it is very easy to get around Bali. There are several on-demand transportation applications similar to Uber (Gojek, Grab) where you can request a car or motorcycle anytime, anywhere.

Is it safe?

Absolutely! In fact, the risk of being a victim of theft is significantly lower than what you might encounter in any European capital.

Can't find an answer to your question? Shoot us an email and we'll reply as fast as possible 🙂